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I strive to engage in public outreach programs that not only educate the general public about environmental issues around the world or in their backyard, but truly excite them about science and the natural processes occuring around them. 


I take every opportunity I can to speak with members of my community about our work, whether that be through informal conversations with curious onlookers, field trips with school groups, formal talks about our projects, or mentoring local high school and college students.  


I truly enjoy injecting my passion for the environment in all that I do and encouraging people of all ages to explore and enjoy science! Whether it be my previous work as a kayak guide that combined science lessons with active recreation, a backpacker and outdoor leader that taught local ecology and Leave No Trace ethics to fellow outdoor enthusiasts, or as a formal teacher in laboratories for undergraduate students or Day Camps for children and scouts, I have always found ways to spread my love for the natural world!  



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